One Piece Anime Series Season 20 Hindi Dubbed



One Piece Anime Series Season 20 Hindi Dubbed

Anime Series Info:
Name : One Piece Hindi
Season : 20
Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Myanimelist : 8.71 Score
Total Episodes : 195
Duration : 23min
Language : (Hindi Dub)


One Piece Description:
The series begins with an attack on a cruise ship at the hands of Alvida. Coby, a slave of Alvida, discovers a barrel. One of Alvida's pirates attempts to open the barrel, but a young boy emerges and accidentally hits him. The remaining pirates attack him, but the stranger stops them and says that his name is Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy drags Coby to the storage cellar of the ship, where he eats and converses with Coby, who reveals his dream of being a marine. Alvida confronts Luffy, but he escapes and knocks her pirate crew down with his Devil Fruit power..